zip 压缩文件包含以下子文件
1: Andy clean to heavy.5xs /
2: Andy clean to heavy.5xs / Andy clean to heavy.5xs
3: Andy clean to heavy.5xs / hd500音色 /
4: Andy clean to heavy.5xs / hd500音色 / Ari Tone.h5e
5: Andy clean to heavy.5xs / hd500音色 / Back in Black.h5e
6: Andy clean to heavy.5xs / hd500音色 / Blue Cheese.h5e
7: Andy clean to heavy.5xs / hd500音色 / bring it on home.h5e
8: Andy clean to heavy.5xs / hd500音色 / Brit 75-AC30.h5e
9: Andy clean to heavy.5xs / hd500音色 / CLEAN SOLO.h5e
10: Andy clean to heavy.5xs / hd500音色 / Clean.h5e
11: Andy clean to heavy.5xs / hd500音色 / Cliff of dovers.h5e
12: Andy clean to heavy.5xs / hd500音色 / DIVIDE 9-15 Clea.h5e
13: Andy clean to heavy.5xs / hd500音色 / Dual J-800.h5e
14: Andy clean to heavy.5xs / hd500音色 / Everything EC.h5e
15: Andy clean to heavy.5xs / hd500音色 / F-Ball Rhythm Mt.h5e
16: Andy clean to heavy.5xs / hd500音色 / Findles_RAMMSTEIN.h5e
17: Andy clean to heavy.5xs / hd500音色 / For the Love of God.h5e
18: Andy clean to heavy.5xs / hd500音色 / Humbuckers Acoustic.h5e
19: Andy clean to heavy.5xs / hd500音色 / JS - The Forgott.h5e
20: Andy clean to heavy.5xs / hd500音色 / LightningCrashes.h5e
21: Andy clean to heavy.5xs / hd500音色 / Like a Stone Sol.h5e
22: Andy clean to heavy.5xs / hd500音色 / Mark Rhythm.h5e
23: Andy clean to heavy.5xs / hd500音色 / Master of Puppets.h5e
24: Andy clean to heavy.5xs / hd500音色 / Nanoo Nuno.h5e
25: Andy clean to heavy.5xs / hd500音色 / Satch live Tone.h5e
26: Andy clean to heavy.5xs / hd500音色 / Tele Solo.h5e
27: Andy clean to heavy.5xs / hd500音色 / treadplate dual.h5e
28: Andy clean to heavy.5xs / hd500音色 / Yngwie麓s Lead (4V).h5e
29: Andy clean to heavy.5xs / __MACOSX /
30: Andy clean to heavy.5xs / __MACOSX / ._Andy clean to heavy.5xs