zip 压缩文件包含以下子文件
1: (0)Big Game Hunters.scm
2: (08)Big Game Hunters.scm
3: (8) Big Game Hunters.scm
4: (8)The Big Game Hunters.scm
5: (8)The Hunters.scm
6: Big Game Hunters.scm
7: fastest possible map ever.scm
8: The Big Game Hunters.scm
9: The Hunter-Gamei.scm
10: WCG-Big Game Hunters.scm
11: z[8)Big Game Hunters.scm
12: [ BigGameHu.scm
13: [ BigHunter.scx
14: [ Big Game Hunters.scm
15: [ (8) The Hunter-Gamei.scm
16: [ 8)Big Game Hunters.scm
17: [(8)]Big Game Hunters.scm
18: [(8)]BigGame Hunters.scm
19: [08]Big Game Hunters Sart.scm
20: [0]Big Game Hunters.scm
21: [0]The Hunters.scm
22: [8] Big Game Hunters.scm
23: [8]Big Game Hunter.scm
24: [8]Big Game Hunters.scm
25: [8]Big The Hunters#.scm
26: [8]Neo Hunters.scx
27: [nG-i]The_Hunters.scx