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1: 万能格式转换器_1.2.0.5.exe
万能格式转换器 是一款免费的文件转换软件,全面支持各种格式互相转换功能,可进行批量转换,转换效率高使用简单,一个软件搞定所有文件转换,欢迎来绿色资源网下载!
*支持加密的 pdf文件 。
*打开*. htm或网址如下框架转换。
批量转换: word (doc,docm,docx) excel (xls.xlsx.xlsm), powerpoint (ppt,pptc,pptm), rtf, txt, htm, html, website, jpg, bmp, gif, tif, wmf, emf to pdf (as default format, as image format, as text format)
批量转换: pdf to doc, rtf, xls, htm, txt, jpg, bmp, gif, tif, tga, rle, png, emf, wmf
批量转换: word (doc,docm,docx) to pdf (as default format, as image format, as text format), xls, txt, htm, jpg, bmp, gif, tif, tga, rle, png, emf, wmf.
批量转换: pdf, excel (xls.xlsx.xlsm), txt, htm, html, jpg, bmp, gif, tif, emf, wmf to doc.
批量转换: pow erp oint (ppt,pptc,pptm) to jpg, bmp, gif, tif, tga, rle, png, emf, wmf, doc,
xls, rtf, txt, pdf (as default format, as image format, as text format).
批量转换: htm, html, website to doc, pdf (as default format, as image format, as text
format), txt, rtf, xls, jpg, bmp, gif, tif, tga, rle, png, emf, wmf.
注:此软件官方内置了对简体中文、繁体中文的支持,安装后在语言(language)选项那里选择简体中文(simplified chinese或者chinese gb)!
上一篇:iobit unlocker中文版
下一篇:Lightning PDF Professional(pdf制作工具)