zip 压缩文件包含以下子文件
1: yxwudi4jsfbao /
2: yxwudi4jsfbao / 00000809.256
3: yxwudi4jsfbao / binkw32.dll
4: yxwudi4jsfbao / campaign_editor.exe
5: yxwudi4jsfbao / Data /
6: yxwudi4jsfbao / Data / binkw32.dll
7: yxwudi4jsfbao / Data / carryover.dat
8: yxwudi4jsfbao / Data / current.aop
9: yxwudi4jsfbao / Data / default.aop
10: yxwudi4jsfbao / Data / heroes4.h4r
11: yxwudi4jsfbao / Data / high_scores.dat
12: yxwudi4jsfbao / Data / Mp3dec.asi
13: yxwudi4jsfbao / Data / Mss32.dll
14: yxwudi4jsfbao / Data / storm.aop
15: yxwudi4jsfbao / Data / storm.h4r
16: yxwudi4jsfbao / Data / storm_override.h4r
17: yxwudi4jsfbao / Data / text.h4r
18: yxwudi4jsfbao / Data / updates.h4r
19: yxwudi4jsfbao / drvmgt.dll
20: yxwudi4jsfbao / ExeConfig.ini
21: yxwudi4jsfbao / game.ico
22: yxwudi4jsfbao / HA312W32.DLL
23: yxwudi4jsfbao / heroes4.exe
24: yxwudi4jsfbao /
25: yxwudi4jsfbao / INSTALL.LOG
26: yxwudi4jsfbao / maps /
27: yxwudi4jsfbao / maps / A Land without a King.h4c
28: yxwudi4jsfbao / maps / A Tale of Two Enemies.h4c
29: yxwudi4jsfbao / maps / Ancestral Home.h4c
30: yxwudi4jsfbao / maps / Barbarians from Below.h4c
31: yxwudi4jsfbao / maps / Beebee and the Three Pigs.h4c
32: yxwudi4jsfbao / maps / Beyond the lake.h4c
33: yxwudi4jsfbao / maps / Boring's Mountain.h4c
34: yxwudi4jsfbao / maps / Chasing Reptiles.h4c
35: yxwudi4jsfbao / maps / Conquest of Four lakes.h4c
36: yxwudi4jsfbao / maps / Danger in the Trees.h4c
37: yxwudi4jsfbao / maps / Death from Above.h4c
38: yxwudi4jsfbao / maps / Dog Days.h4c
39: yxwudi4jsfbao / maps / Dungeon Crawl.h4c
40: yxwudi4jsfbao / maps / Escape from Biggun's Playground.h4c
41: yxwudi4jsfbao / maps / Fire and Ice.h4c
42: yxwudi4jsfbao / maps / Gold Rush.h4c
43: yxwudi4jsfbao / maps / Griffin's Gold.h4c
44: yxwudi4jsfbao / maps / Gulf of Nayr.h4c
45: yxwudi4jsfbao / maps / Harpy Horde (Allied).h4c
46: yxwudi4jsfbao / maps / Harpy Horde.h4c
47: yxwudi4jsfbao / maps / Hell hath no fury.h4c
48: yxwudi4jsfbao / maps / Horseplay.h4c
49: yxwudi4jsfbao / maps / In War with the In-Laws.h4c
50: yxwudi4jsfbao / maps / Jester's Revenge.h4c
51: yxwudi4jsfbao / maps / Just Another Mine War.h4c
52: yxwudi4jsfbao / maps / Knight's Gauntlet.h4c
53: yxwudi4jsfbao / maps / Land of our Forefathers.h4c
54: yxwudi4jsfbao / maps / Last Man Standing.h4c
55: yxwudi4jsfbao / maps / Magic Middle (allied).h4c
56: yxwudi4jsfbao / maps / Magic Middle.h4c
57: yxwudi4jsfbao / maps / Manifestations.h4c
58: yxwudi4jsfbao / maps / Maranthea's Isle.h4c
59: yxwudi4jsfbao / maps / Marauders of the High Seas.h4c
60: yxwudi4jsfbao / maps / Parental Guidance.h4c
61: yxwudi4jsfbao / maps / Petty Claustrophobia.h4c
62: yxwudi4jsfbao / maps / Return of the Devil.h4c
63: yxwudi4jsfbao / maps / Revolution.h4c
64: yxwudi4jsfbao / maps / River Crossing.h4c
65: yxwudi4jsfbao / maps / Rock and a Hard Place.h4c
66: yxwudi4jsfbao / maps / Run! Cronx is coming!.h4c
67: yxwudi4jsfbao / maps / Sanral's Charge.h4c
68: yxwudi4jsfbao / maps / Sea Politics.h4c
69: yxwudi4jsfbao / maps / Search for the Old Heroes 2.h4c
70: yxwudi4jsfbao / maps / Search for the Old Heroes.h4c
71: yxwudi4jsfbao / maps / Siren's Song.h4c
72: yxwudi4jsfbao / maps / Sisters of Might and Magic.h4c
73: yxwudi4jsfbao / maps / Straight of Sharks.h4c
74: yxwudi4jsfbao / maps / The Beowulf Tales.h4c
75: yxwudi4jsfbao / maps / The Dragon's Wrath.h4c
76: yxwudi4jsfbao / maps / The Main Road to Victory.h4c
77: yxwudi4jsfbao / maps / The Ultimate Mug of Ale.h4c
78: yxwudi4jsfbao / maps / Three Queens.h4c
79: yxwudi4jsfbao / maps / Turtle Island.h4c
80: yxwudi4jsfbao / maps / Unhappy Times.h4c
81: yxwudi4jsfbao / maps / Uninvited Guest.h4c
82: yxwudi4jsfbao / maps / Valleys of the Damned (Allied).h4c
83: yxwudi4jsfbao / maps / Valleys of the Damned.h4c
84: yxwudi4jsfbao / maps / Wheel-of-Misfortune (Allied).h4c
85: yxwudi4jsfbao / maps / Wheel-of-Misfortune.h4c
86: yxwudi4jsfbao / maps / Zanfas's Challenge.h4c
87: yxwudi4jsfbao / Mp3dec.asi
88: yxwudi4jsfbao / Mss32.dll
89: yxwudi4jsfbao / net_receive.log
90: yxwudi4jsfbao / net_send.log
91: yxwudi4jsfbao / secdrv.sys
92: yxwudi4jsfbao / SIMLI.TTF
93: yxwudi4jsfbao / Unace32.exe
94: yxwudi4jsfbao / uninst.exe
95: yxwudi4jsfbao / Uninst.isu