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        微软raw插件(Microsoft Camera Codec Pack) 

        软件厂家: 官方网站:
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        微软raw插件 是一款免费的相机编码补丁软件。本软件主要功能是可以帮助用户查看raw数码相机的底片格式。目前支持佳能、尼康、索尼等多种智能相机设备型号。欢迎大家下载使用。


        微软raw插件是微软相机编码 解码器 补丁工具,无需借助任何第三方软件。安装此包后,在 windows explorer 中就可以查看受支持的 raw 相机文件。需要的用户快来绿色资源网下载吧。




        microsoft camera 编解码器支持的设备型号包括:

        佳能:eos 1000d (eos kiss f in japan and the eos rebel xs in north america), eos 10d, eos 1d mk2, eos 1d mk3, eos 1d mk4, eos 1d mk2 n, eos 1ds mk2, eos 1ds mk3, eos 20d, eos 300d (the kiss digital in japan and the digital rebel in north america) , eos 30d, eos 350d (the canon eos kiss digital n in japan and eos digital rebel xt in north america), eos 400d (the kiss digital x in japan and the digital rebel xti in north america), eos 40d, eos 450d (eos kiss x2 in japan and the eos rebel xsi in north america), eos 500d (eos kiss x3 in japan and the eos rebel t1i in north america), eos 550d (eos kiss x4 in japan, and as the eos rebel t2i in north america), eos 50d, eos 5d, eos 5d mk2, eos 7d, eos d30, eos d60, g2, g3, g5, g6, g9, g10, g11, pro1, s90

        尼康:d100, d1h, d200, d2h, d2hs, d2x, d2xs, d3, d3s, d300, d3000, d300s, d3x, d40, d40x, d50, d5000, d60, d70, d700, d70s, d80, d90, p6000

        索尼:a100, a200, a230, a300, a330, a350, a380, a700, a850, a900, dsc-r1

        奥林巴斯:c7070, c8080, e1, e10, e20, e3, e30, e300, e330, e400, e410, e420, e450, e500, e510, e520, e620, ep1

        宾得 (pef formats only): k100d, k100d super, k10d, k110d, k200d, k20d, k7, k-x, *ist d, *ist dl, *ist ds

        莱卡:digilux 3, d-lux4, m8, m9

        柯尼卡美能达:dimage a1, dimage a2, maxxum 7d (dynax 7d in europe, α-7 digital in japan)


        松下:g1, gh1, gf1, lx3






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