zip 压缩文件包含以下子文件
1: 1_04_patch.gro
2: 1_07_tools.gro
3: ali213.bin
4: Bin /
5: Bin / 3DExplorationPlugins /
6: Bin / 3DExplorationPlugins / 3DRM.X3D
7: Bin / 3DExplorationPlugins / archive.x3d
8: Bin / 3DExplorationPlugins / DWG.X3D
9: Bin / 3DExplorationPlugins / E3NURBS.X4D
10: Bin / 3DExplorationPlugins / GLC.X3D
11: Bin / 3DExplorationPlugins / HALFLIFE.X3D
12: Bin / 3DExplorationPlugins / HMWORLD.X3D
13: Bin / 3DExplorationPlugins / IMAGINE.X3D
14: Bin / 3DExplorationPlugins / isogcode.x3d
15: Bin / 3DExplorationPlugins / kftools.x3d
16: Bin / 3DExplorationPlugins / lwo.x3d
17: Bin / 3DExplorationPlugins / MAP.X3D
18: Bin / 3DExplorationPlugins / MAX.X3D
19: Bin / 3DExplorationPlugins / MTS.X3D
20: Bin / 3DExplorationPlugins / NENDO.X3D
21: Bin / 3DExplorationPlugins / NURBS.X3D
22: Bin / 3DExplorationPlugins / OPENFLT.X3D
23: Bin / 3DExplorationPlugins / PGM.X3D
24: Bin / 3DExplorationPlugins / PRO.X3D
25: Bin / 3DExplorationPlugins / QUAKE3.X3D
26: Bin / 3DExplorationPlugins / RAX.X3D
27: Bin / 3DExplorationPlugins / RHINO.X3D
28: Bin / 3DExplorationPlugins / SPX.X3D
29: Bin / 3DExplorationPlugins / STL.X3D
30: Bin / 3DExplorationPlugins / TIM.X3D
31: Bin / 3DExplorationPlugins / TSPACE.X3D
32: Bin / 3DExplorationPlugins / VRML.X3D
33: Bin / 3DExplorationPlugins / XSI.X3D
34: Bin / amp11lib.dll
35: Bin / AskFiles.exe
36: Bin / CW3230MT.DLL
37: Bin / DecodeReport.exe
38: Bin / DedicatedServer.exe
39: Bin / Depend.exe
40: Bin / Ecc.exe
41: Bin / Engine.dll
42: Bin / EngineGUI.dll
43: Bin / EntitiesMP.dll
44: Bin / eview3d.dll
45: Bin / GameGUIMP.dll
46: Bin / GameMP.dll
47: Bin / IFC22.dll
48: Bin / ImmWrapper.dll
49: Bin / MakeFONT.exe
50: Bin / mfc42.dll
51: Bin / MSVCRT.DLL
52: Bin / Ogg /
53: Bin / Ogg / COPYING
54: Bin / ogg.dll
55: Bin / RCon.exe
56: Bin / SeriousEditor.exe
57: Bin / SeriousModeler.exe
58: Bin / SeriousSam.exe
59: Bin / SeriousSkaStudio.exe
60: Bin / Shaders.dll
61: Bin / vorbis.dll
62: Bin / vorbisfile.dll
63: Controls /
64: Controls / 00-Default.ctl
65: Controls / 00-Default.des
66: Controls / 01-Keyboard.ctl
67: Controls / 01-Keyboard.des
68: Controls / 02-PantherXL.ctl
69: Controls / 02-PantherXL.des
70: Controls / 03-Wingman Extreme.ctl
71: Controls / 03-Wingman Extreme.des
72: Controls / 04-Wingman GamePad.ctl
73: Controls / 04-Wingman GamePad.des
74: Controls / 05-2nd Mouse.ctl
75: Controls / 05-2nd Mouse.des
76: Controls / 10-DEN.ctl
77: Controls / 10-DEN.des
78: Controls / System /
79: Controls / System / Common.ctl
80: Data /
81: Data / Default.ifr
82: Data / Defaults /
83: Data / Defaults / WorldEditor.reg
84: Data / Logitech.ifr
85: Data / Var /
86: Data / Var / DefaultPlayer.var
87: Data / Var / ModName.var
88: Data / Var / Sam_Version.var
89: Demos /
90: Demos / (All Secrets) Level 01 - Sierra de Chiapas.dem
91: Demos / (All Secrets) Level 01 - Sierra de Chiapas.des
92: Demos / (All Secrets) Level 01 - Sierra de ChiapasTbn.tex
93: Demos / (All Secrets) Level 02 - Valley of the Jaguar.dem
94: Demos / (All Secrets) Level 02 - Valley of the Jaguar.des
95: Demos / (All Secrets) Level 02 - Valley of the JaguarTbn.tex
96: Demos / (All Secrets) Level 03 - The City of the Gods.dem
97: Demos / (All Secrets) Level 03 - The City of the Gods.des
98: Demos / (All Secrets) Level 03 - The City of the GodsTbn.tex
99: Demos / (All Secrets) Level 04 - Serpent Yards.dem
--- 100以上的文件不显示了, 共1606个文件 ---