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        012a 01-biff’s aeroplane.mp3
        022a 02-the chase.mp3
        032a 03-floppy the hero.mp3
        042a 04-kipper’s laces.mp3
        052a 05-the wobbly tooth.mp3
        062a 06-the foggy day.mp3
        072a 07-poor old rabbit.mp3
        082a 08-super dad.mp3
        092a 09-i can trick a tiger.mp3
        102a 10-the monster hunt.mp3
        112a 11-floppy and the bone.mp3
        122a 12-ouch.mp3
        132a 13-a cat in the tree.mp3
        142a 14-the egg hunt.mp3
        152a 15-nobody wanted to play.mp3
        162a 16-the rope swing.mp3
        172a 17-on the sand.mp3
        182a 18-by the stream.mp3
        192a 19-the duck race.mp3
        202a 20-the ice rink.mp3
        212a 21-the mud bath.mp3
        222a 22-pond dipping.mp3
        232a 23-sniff.mp3
        242a 24-the steel band.mp3
        252a 25-kipper the clown.mp3
        262a 26-the jumble sale.mp3
        272a 27-kipper’s idea .mp3
        282a 28-at the seaside.mp3
        292a 29-the snowman.mp3
        302a 30-strawberry jam.mp3
        312b 01-the barbecue.mp3
        322b 02-book week.mp3
        332b 03-bull’s eye.mp3
        342b 04-the carnival.mp3
        352b 05-the cold day.mp3
        362b 06-at the pool.mp3
        372b 07-midge in hospital.mp3
        382b 08-roy and the bud gie.mp3
        392b 09-pip at the zoo.mp3
        402b 10-joe and the bike.mp3
        412b 11-midge and the eggs.mp3
        422b 12-pip and the little monkey.mp3
        432b 13-the old tree stump.mp3
        442b 14-missing.mp3
        452b 15-the real floppy.mp3
        462b 16-the raft race.mp3
        472b 17-the spaceship.mp3
        482b 18-dragon danger.mp3
        492b 19-house for sale.mp3
        502b 20-the new house.mp3
        512b 21-come in.mp3
        522b 22-the secret room.mp3
        532b 23-the play.mp3
        542b 24-the storm.mp3
        552b 25-the? balloon.mp3
        562b 26-the camcorder.mp3
        572b 27-nobody got wet.mp3
        582b 28-poor old mum.mp3
        592b 29-the wedding.mp3
        602b 30-the weather vane.mp3






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